This is a political blog and a forum for me to post art of mine, merely because i can and want to. My art is second rate and my opinions are simply that. some are well researched (and they will show) and some are just conspiracy theories and funny pokes at how things seem on the surface

Monday, January 15, 2007


I Figured i would add a completly pointless grouping of words here to seperate the pics a bit...
and some more here!!!
i guess a few here for consistancy won't hurt!
And now finally some real sentences! ... yes! ......

It looks like i have found consistancy in my lateness! lol, i am finally posting some new stuff again. Thanks in part to Mark Ecko's "Getting Up" for inspiring me to draw again. I have been doing most of the work in class downtime, but hey you have to do it sometime!
Well here are 4 new ones hope you injoy ... ooooh i found some Crayola "Colour Changers" markers, this should be fun!!!
p.s. Hey Meg and Michelle, thanks for putting up with me!

Friday, September 22, 2006

Once again it took me for ever to post something new, ive been really busy!!

IMPORTANT UPDATE: Since i am a firm believer in not editing over stuff i have previously written just because things change i will not erase and re-type the text below. although it largely no longer applies i will leave it there anyway to remind me of why i was the way i was and why i never should have changed. Take that as you will i know what i mean and that is all that matters. ...... the side note still applies ... :)

Hey i have a life too, this is a dedication to someone who means ALOT to me, anyone who knows me will know who it is! :) ........
Hi honey i hope you like!

SIDE NOTE: This is the largest Tag i have ever done! .. i usually give up by the 4th letter, lol, damn A.D.D. i did an original second "N" and "E" but liked it more like this.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Epic ... my current Favorite

This as i stated above is my current favorite, yet it is also one of the oldest tags i still have. .... sure i re-did it, i don't have the original anymore. just a lousy silk screening on a shirt i did in highschool. So this is my re make in all of its modern glory, my original ( not creative) tag name and tag.


It is a work in progress ... it could have been better but there was a few complications and i had to ry to compensate for them, but we will see how it ends up later.

See i can draw .....

... well at least somewhat. This is my study of male anatomy, it is a pic of a body builder named Markus Ruhl. Im part way through it.

For my Sister Mel......

...... who bitched ... and bitched ... and bitched for me to do a piece for her.
"you have done one for everyone except me!!!" :P not anymore!
................. as you can see by the date i drew it a while ago . ... ive just been lazy, oops!

First post in wayyyy to long!!!

This is what happens when you stick me in Dangerous Goods training for 2 hours! it was going to say D.G for Dangerous Goods but like usual i lost interest half way through. I will finish it later ....

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Salvador Dalí

This is one of the many fantastic pieces done by one of if not my favourite artists Salvador Dalí ! The painting is called "Madonna of Port Lligat 1949 " Dalí is without doubt my favourite surrealist artist and I will definitely be posting more of his art !

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Part 2 of 2 in the Malyx Collection

This is for Hutchins i have to ink it still but i wanted to post it right away! .. injoy Mike!

Part 1 of 2 in the Malyx Collection

One of an upcoming line of dedications to my friends and family! ... it is the black and white copy on the top and the original scan on the bottom. Hope you injoy Alyx!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


This is one of my favorite pieces just because it worked out as i wanted it too from start to finish, which is a rarity for me. What else can i say, sometimes good things come from bad situations.

3d words inside letters! Hey Jacko!

Sorry it isnt spelled the exact way your last name is Jacko but it is just a nick anyway! .. injoy it how it is because it is inked and isnt going to be changed!

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Another Dedication ... Hello Courtney

This was done in class while "listening" to one of the many student presentations in one of our classes.... and yes my inking on this one sucks! what else is there to say, you were there when i did it!